Friday, January 31, 2014

Disney Infinity: The Space Race

Sam and I have been working on our first Toy Box in Disney Infinity.  We build this one around the Toy Story theme.

We've been having trouble getting the tracks connected so you can actually do a real race.  It's working now, but we are not able to have all the ups and downs that we wanted... so we may keep trying.

So here's a video of the Space Race.  Enjoy :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Our Disney Infinity Collection

Over the Christmas season we received many gift cards and some cash so we decided to get something that we normally wouldn't have picked up.  So we treated ourselves to the new video game Disney Infinity.  We're all big fans of Disney movies so this was a pretty easy sell.  And the beauty of it everything was significantly on sale for Boxing Week.

We've been having fun with the different aspects of the game.  Building, racing, ship battles, rocket packs.  This one has something for everyone.

Looking forward to more fun with this... Would love to see more classic Disney characters come out for this one.

Resurrection of the Hobby Blog!

With a New Year upon us I've been examining my usage of social networks and media... and felt it was high time to resurrect this blog from the dead.

Now... it's going to be different because, well, to be honest, our family hobby time has drastically changed over the course of the past year.  In the fall of 2012, my kids were going through some old family photo albums.  There they stumble on a picture of my old home office before they were born.  This office was completely filled top to bottom with my Star Wars collection.  They were shocked to find out that all of that stuff still existed stored away in boxes.  They asked if we could redo our hobby room with it.  Of course, that meant replacing all our Lord of the Rings and Warhammer miniatures to boxes.

About that same time I began looking into joining the 501st Legion.  This is a worldwide Star Wars costuming club who make movie quality costumes.  Not only that, but they also raise tons of money for different children charities, something which is very dear to my heart.  So I learned some basic sewing and plastic armour building... and we joined up.

So this blog will be refocusing on our different hobbies which we do together as a family.  It should be a lot of fun.  We hope you find it helpful.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Necron Army

I decided to paint up something a little different to give me a bit of a break from my Rohan and Haradim armies. I have never played Warhammer 40K but I did get a Necron battle force box about 6 years ago as a gift.

I figured they have waited long enough and should be painted up. So here they are.

(I really need a better camera than just my iPad!)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Armies on Parade

Finally got back working on my display for the Armies in Parade competition. Looking forward to start painting.  Here are a few pictures...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Loving these new Citadel Dry paints

Been working away at the Mūmak model.... Very happy with the results of the new paints so far, ESPECIALLY the new dry paints. The do a fantastic job of dry brushing the model while wasting a lot less paint. It's looking so good I'm afraid to try the next stage and do a full shade wash over it... But the How to Paint Citadel Miniatures book has served me well so far so I'll keep trusting it :)